Would you like to take control of your health and break the cycle of family health challenges? DUO Springfield’s Summer and Holiday Boot Camps bring talented doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, and health educators to centrally located venues throughout Greater Springfield to share their knowledge and expertise with you.
Bootcamps consist of five, weekly in-person workshops that serve as a springboard for those who would benefit from a supportive community with similar health goals. Information-packed presentations are designed to combat five, common lifestyle diseases challenging many lives in the region (Diabetes, Depression & Anxiety, Asthma/COPD, High Blood Pressure/hypertension, Heart Disease). These talks run the gamut… from the benefits of gardening, chronic disease prevention, to optimal physical and behavioral health. Certain lifestyles may threaten your quality-of-life… now, and into the future.
Be a trooper, join us to learn how you can benefit from the advice of community-based health experts (HealthPros). Our Health Pro team will open your eyes to just how simple it can be to strengthen your body, your mind, and your all-important, immune system. Gradual changes, over time, will improve health outcomes and ultimately, they will surprise you, your friends, and your Primary Care Physician. Enlist TODAY!!! Refreshments are served.